Diploma in Cyber Law

Diploma : law
Eligibility: 10 + 2
Cyber Law is a specialization in the field of law which looks into and rectifies legal issues related to the World Wide Web. Aspirants opting to specialize in the field of Cyber Law need to deal with criminal activities such as fraud, theft, forgery and defamation conducted on the internet.
Lawyers in the field of Cyber Law deal with a broad area which includes freedom of expression, access to the internet, usage of internet as well as online privacy. While sorting out any issue, Cyber Law lawyers refer to the Indian Penal Code as well as the Indian 
Apart from these degree programmes, candidates can also pursue diploma and certificate courses in the field of Cyber Law. Some of these popular courses are Diploma in Cyber Law, Certificate in Cyber Law in Corporate Practice, Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law and Information Technology, Professional Diploma in Cyber Investigations and Laws, Diploma in Information Security and Cyber Law, Post Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law, Advanced Certification in Cyber Law Practice, Information Technology and Social Media Law, Diploma in Internet Law and Policy, Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law, Certificate in Cyber Laws etc.

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