BA Political Science

Under Graduation : Arts & Commerce
Eligibility: 10 + 2
Political Science is a branch of social science which teaches a student about the state, global politics and government. Not only in India, but this course is one of the most opted courses around the globe as well. Political Science deals with the working of the state, government, various agencies, and how one can use the theoretical knowledge about one’s country in the real or practical world for the betterment of the same.
Greek Philosopher Aristotle defined political science as “It is the course that deals with the study of the state.” The way politics is changing around the globe, people need someone who can tell them what is going on around them? We need people who can question every stage of politics and where it’s leading our country. Political scientists have become so important today that they can be seen participating in every political debate on every news channel.
Unlike, other courses like medical or engineering, a student from any academic background can learn the depths and insights of this subject.
Top Institutation offerd BA Political Science
Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce
Bangalore, Karnataka
SINCE: 1994
SEA College of Science, Commerce and Arts
Bangalore, Karnataka
SINCE: 2000
St Benedicts Academy
Bangalore, Karnataka
SINCE: 1998
Approved by UGC - Govt of karnataka
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