BA Philosophy

Under Graduation : Arts & Commerce
Eligibility: 10 + 2
 Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence. The ideas of philosophy are general and abstract and students take up philosophy to learn more and conduct in-depth research. Philosophy is a fascinating subject, but one needs to have the desire, will and hunger to know more. The study of philosophy can be used in any field and through the research work done, one can enhance the ability to solve problems, improve communication skills, the persuasive powers we have and our way of thinking.
Through Philosophy, the study teaches students about critical thinking and logical analysis. There are many benefits one can get from pursuing philosophy as it helps in further education and employment. The most amazing factor about is Philosophy is, is that the subject can relate to any field which is taught or spoken about. It’s all about deep responses and the wisdom one gathers on learning. In basic words, Philosophy is the love for wisdom and knowledge.

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