BE /B Tech Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology

Under Graduation : Engineering
Eligibility: 10 + 2 PCM
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) Computer Science Engineering specialization With specialization in Cloud Computing and Virtualization Technology in collaboration with IBM is a four-year full-time undergraduate program offered by the University of Technology and Management, Shillong.
This program demystifies Cloud Computing, and attempts to define the cloud phenomenon and all the technologies that go with it. Cloud Computing is a ‘work in progress’ sector currently. While the course comprehensively covers the basic technologies involved (e.g. Virtualization), the history of the cloud and its root in Service Oriented Architecture and Utility Computing, it has ample scope to evolve in the fast Changing models that are thrown out by cloud computing. Students of the program will also benefit from the several practical credits that provide hands-on capabilities on the various aspects of cloud
Top Institutation offerd BE /B Tech Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology
Srinivas University College
Mangalore, Karnataka
SINCE: 2015
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