Diploma in Blood Bank Technician

Diploma : Medical & Paramedical
Eligibility: 10 + 2 , PCB
A blood bank is a place where blood obtained through blood donation is stored and preserved for later use. The preserved blood is later used for blood transfusion.
 The main aim of DBBT course is to train students about blood bank technology and turn them into skilled blood bank technicians. Skilled blood bank technicians ensure the smooth functioning of a blood bank.
Collecting blood from donors and storing it for future use is not an easy task. There are many technical aspects associated with blood banking!
 It is evident from the above list that there is more to blood banking than just collecting and storing blood! It involves grouping, tests, screening, various equipment etc.
 A layman must be trained in the above mentioned areas if he/she has to work in a blood bank. Diploma in Blood Bank Technology course trains students in the above mentioned areas.
After completing the course, a student will be able to identify potential donors, carry out the necessary tests and operate relevant equipment.

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